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We're glad you're here!
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ...(Rom 1:16)


• GTC Weekend... 
-Men of the Word...Friday, February 7th @ 6:30PM. Join Pastor Jared for a time of good food, great fellowship and God’s Word!
-Radiant Women’s Groups...This Saturday, February 8th in various homes around Lubbock. Please call the church this week for information on a group near you.
-Family Sunday...Sunday, February 9th. Worship at 10:30AM. Invite friends and family!

• Foundations Class...Building a firm foundation for your victorious Christian life! Sundays @ 9:30-10:10AM in the conference room.

• Serve Team...Looking for a place to serve the Lord at GTC? We are currently looking for help in our...
-Sunshine Nursery Ministry
-Mighty Kids Wednesday Classes    
-Media / Sound Team
-Bus Driver-Rotate once a month
Please call the church for more information on getting involved and serving at GTC!

• Nursing Home Ministry...Second & Fourth Sunday of each month @ 2:30PM at Mackenzie Court  Retirement Home. If you would like to get involved, please call the church office today! Mackenzie Court is located at 8609 Boston Ave. Bring the whole family, as the residents love to see the children!

• Glad Tidings Christian Academy ...GTCA is the most affordable Christian School in Lubbock! Grades PreK4 - 8th. We are currently taking students for PreK4 and Kindergarten. For more  or call the school office at (806) 620-0595.

• Samaritan’s Closet...Samaritan’s Closet is a local outreach of Glad Tidings Church that helps provide basic necessities to the homeless and those in need. Here is a list of items you can donate to the closet: Coats of all sizes, Sleeping Bags, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Combs, Wash cloths, Socks, Bars of soap, Bottled water,  Disposable razors, Individually wrapped beef jerky, and Pop-top cans of vienna sausage.

About Us

Glad Tidings Church is a Spirit-filled, non-denominational church. We believe in the power of the blood of Jesus, the Word of faith, and the continuous move of the Holy Spirit in the earth. We are committed to leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Pastors Jared and Jessica Baker were called of God to the ministry at an early age. They have been married for 27 years and have served in different facets of ministry throughout their married life.  They served as Directors of In Christ International Bible College and Mark Hankins Ministries for 8 years before the Lord called them to Lubbock, Texas to pioneer Glad Tidings Church in October 2012. They have 5 children who have all helped in pioneering GTC from its inception. Their hearts are full to overflowing with love for their Lord and His church. With a contagious spirit of faith, they continue to preach the truth and good news of the Gospel, Unashamed!