Jesus Culture Youth

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Join us for Jesus Culture Youth every Wednesday @ 7 P.M.!
Sunday Morning Core Class @9:30 A.M. every week!
Youth bashes once a month on Sunday @ 6:00 P.M.!
Sunday Morning Core Class @9:30 A.M. every week!
Youth bashes once a month on Sunday @ 6:00 P.M.!
Grades 6-12....Our vision is to train young people up in the Word of God and to strengthen their faith to meet the challenges facing today's young people.
(Youth Pastor...Liz Baker)
(Youth Pastor...Liz Baker)
- Every Wednesday night at 7PM...The Word!
- Core class to begin your week every Sunday at 9:30 A.M. Diving more into HIs Word!
- First Sunday of every month at 6:00PM...Youth Bash!
- JCY Youth Camp, Summer events, Outreach opportunities throughout the year!