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Discover Your Call

Many years ago in a small southern town, a man carved a bust of Abraham Lincoln out of a large piece of wood. A little boy who had seen the man work on the project for many days looked on in amazement as the project was finished. With great surprise, he said, "I didn't know Abraham Lincoln was in that log!" Yes, Lincoln was in there all along -- He just hadn't been discovered!

Who you are not begins to fade away, when you discover who you are In Christ. The devil's plan is to make you into someone or something outside of the purpose of God. He wants to distort your understanding of your call and purpose in life. If he can get you focused on what others think of you, your past mistakes and your weaknesses, he can keep you from discovering the true giftings and call of God in your life!

Many Christians give up on the call of God and His purpose for them before they make that discovery. Discovering your calling is like drilling for oil. It takes time, patience and work, but the reward is great when you finally make a strike.  All of the effort is worth it when the discovery is made.  When you hit the gusher, it changes everything!

God told the prophet Jeremiah that he was to be the prophet to the nation. He said, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:4-5) Like Jeremiah, we are each created with a special purpose, special giftings and a specific call by God. Our real purpose is in there, it's up to us to make the discovery! Seek the face of God and His Word in this new year...He wants to reveal to you what's been in there all along!

Glad Tidings Church

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