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There has been nothing more beautiful in my life outside of my salvation,  than the birth of my five children.  Morning sickness and all, I would not change a thing.  Each one so beautiful and precious to my heart and precious in the eyes of God.  I had the privilege of being blessed with five children in four pregnancies (twins).  You would think that after the first 3 pregnancies,  I would have learned a thing or two about going into labor. With each of the previous pregnancies, I had been under great stress at the time of labor.   Whether it was job related or simply working hard the day before, I had related the stress to the labor.  So, the fourth pregnancy rolled around and it was 39 weeks and no sign of baby coming any time soon. 

I decided I would exercise a little more, climb the stairs at work a few more times and go on long walks, ultimately only wearing myself out!  When I finally decided to ask my doctor why I was not even dilated yet, he said, “Your body does not go into labor because of stress.  Your body will go into labor when your body is completely relaxed.  The baby will come when you are at peace.” What I had simply not recognized with the other births was that after each time of great activity and stress I had gone into complete relaxation mode.  All those years I had given credit to the stress, not recognizing that all the credit for the baby coming goes to peace!

Many of you are seeking God for answers so desperately and fervently and He WILL come through for you.  But the answer is going to be birthed in peace.  As we pray with thanksgiving, we are to be anxious for nothing.  He simply wants us to trust and believe that He is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do.  Then, we must rest in the peace of God that only comes by faith in Him.  "Don't worry about anything;  instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you  need, and thank him for all He has done.  Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6-7, NLT  

I obeyed the doctor’s orders on a Thursday afternoon.  I went home and turned off my phone and put my feet up.  I rested, slept, laughed, relaxed, prayed, worshiped, watched my four children play,  (And in between, watched a John Wayne marathon – it happened to be the only thing on television decent to watch at the time).  By the middle of the day on Saturday, I began to have contractions.  It had not even been 48 hours and because of peace, my body went into labor.  Abigail Grace was born on Sunday evening at 6:30 PM.  Her birth was so peaceful and beautiful, that the nurses did not want to leave even though their shift changed at 6:00 PM.  The Lord even arranged the precious nursing staff who would help deliver her.  I will always remember her peaceful birth.  With tears in their eyes, the old shift nurses and the new shift nurses tended to my baby and me. 

This is just like the Lord.  He will surround you with His peace and will send all of the help you need if you will allow Him to rule.  His peace is irreplaceable.  The world cannot offer it to you.  You will never find it in a bottle.  You will never find it in another relationship.  There is no medicine, drug, or drink that can bring this kind of peace.  This peace that passes our ability to comprehend only comes from Heaven.  His peace is Divine.

Glad Tidings Church

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