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When I think of the future of my nation, my children, and my church, what do I need to do to prepare for 2016?  What goals and resolutions should be at the top of my list?  How do I prepare to be a better soldier in the army of the Lord? 

At the turn of the new year, we are faced with many concerns about our lives and our future.  As soldiers of the Most High God, we do not have to fear what lies ahead.  We serve a God who is the greatest military genius of all of time and eternity.  He has given us power to overcome. He has given us strategy in His Word that will fully equip us to take on any battle under any conditions.  Our Heavenly Father wants us to win in this life!​

​One of the worst military leaders of our time, Adolf Hitler, did just the opposite.  His decision to expose German troops to combat in the Russian winter without appropriate clothing and supplies had destructive consequences.  Still wearing their summer uniforms, the German soldiers resorted to using newspaper and straw to insulate themselves against subzero temperatures. Frostbite was faced in epic proportions resulting in the amputation of nearly 15,000 limbs.  This devastating lack of military preparedness led to an insurmountable number of casualties of war.

​Defeat is not God's plan for your life.  God has given every Christian the equipment necessary to win.  Ephesians 6:10-18  tells us to "ARMOR UP".  Included in this list of armor, is the soldier's prayer life.  "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints,"  Ephesians 6:18.  INCREASING OUR PRAYER LIFE SHOULD BE THE TOP NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION FOR EVERY BELIEVER. 

God wants you to be fully equipped with His might in the days to come.  We are facing national changes that could greatly alter the world as we know it.  2016 is a year to be sober and vigilant in prayer!  Let the Holy Spirit lead you in prayer.  Designate a special time every day to spend with the Lord in prayer.  Be ready to pray when He calls you to pray, even in the middle of the day or night!  "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer,"  I Peter 4:7.  As you allow the Holy Spirit to equip you in prayer, you will truly be FULLY EQUIPPED TO WIN!​

Glad Tidings Church

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