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Offense: The Bait of Satan

Offense is the "bait" of Satan.  He works overtime to bring lies and deception into the life of the believer that lures us into His traps.  DON'T TAKE THE BAIT!    Stay in the Word and in prayer.  If someone has hurt you go to them and make amends.  Communication and forgiveness will stop offense in its tracks!  Matthew 18:15, Matthew 5:23-24

There is a complete freedom found in Christ and through the Holy Spirit.  Forgiveness is a choice, but healing can take time.  Let the healing anointing of the Holy Spirit and the power of God through the blood of Jesus bring freedom to you today!  Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!  John 8:36

Posted December 13th, 2013

Glad Tidings Church

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